
Climate/environmental protection is one of the most important and urgent issues of our time. The protection of our world concerns every single one of us, and is a task that we must continually dedicate ourselves to in order to (try to) save our earth.

In this context, "sustainability", which is widely referenced and talked about, is generally a principle for the considerate and clever use of resources. To be sustainable, we must use the natural resources available to us in such a way that they are preserved for us in the long term. We achieve this by allowing them to regenerate before we tap into them again. Thus, in theory, ecosystems can be sustained, and our needs can still be covered.

The concept of sustainability is closely linked to various topics and approaches, such as the more efficient use of materials and energy, eco-friendly material cycles, and also recycling and waste avoidance. There are always new studies and technologies in this broad field that shed light on new aspects and possible solutions.


Climate/environmental protection is one of the most important and urgent issues of our time. The protection of our world concerns every single one of us, and is a task that we must continually dedicate ourselves to in order to (try to) save our earth.

In this context, "sustainability", which is widely referenced and talked about, is generally a principle for the considerate and clever use of resources. To be sustainable, we must use the natural resources available to us in such a way that they are preserved for us in the long term. We achieve this by allowing them to regenerate before we tap into them again. Thus, in theory, ecosystems can be sustained, and our needs can still be covered.

The concept of sustainability is closely linked to various topics and approaches, such as the more efficient use of materials and energy, eco-friendly material cycles, and also recycling and waste avoidance. There are always new studies and technologies in this broad field that shed light on new aspects and possible solutions.

We have introduced the following measures to improve sustainability:

  • Our products are of very high quality and very durable,
  • our products are repairable and spare parts are available for a long time,
  • our modular product components can be used multiple times/for different activities,
  • we offer solutions for digitalised processes (assistance systems),
  • we use 100% ecological electricity,
  • our packaging no longer contains styrofoam,
  • we have retired and removed our degreasing plant,
  • the lighting in our company building has been and is being converted to LEDs,
  • we use as little paper as possible, and work digitally, when possible,
  • many of our training sessions are also held digitally, reducing travel costs,
  • the food packaging delivered to our canteen is bio-degradable.
  • a car charging station is available, and we are in the process of converting our company vehicles to hybrid or electric vehicles,
  • our employees have the opportunity to use a so-called "job bike",
  • our cleaning cloths are partly made of old clothes.

We have introduced the following measures to improve sustainability:

  • Our products are of very high quality and very durable,
  • our products are repairable and spare parts are available for a long time,
  • our modular product components can be used multiple times/for different activities,
  • we offer solutions for digitalised processes (assistance systems),
  • we use 100% ecological electricity,
  • our packaging no longer contains styrofoam,
  • we have retired and removed our degreasing plant,
  • the lighting in our company building has been and is being converted to LEDs,
  • we use as little paper as possible, and work digitally, when possible,
  • many of our training sessions are also held digitally, reducing travel costs,
  • the food packaging delivered to our canteen is bio-degradable.
  • a car charging station is available, and we are in the process of converting our company vehicles to hybrid or electric vehicles,
  • our employees have the opportunity to use a so-called "job bike",
  • our cleaning cloths are partly made of old clothes.

We are a company. We pursue economic interests. We are not experts in climate/environmental protection and do not claim to have all the solutions. But we do want to do more. We aim to align our economic interests with our ecological interests. Therefore, it is our goal to weigh and examine every decision we make in the future on the basis of ecological and sustainable aspects.

We are open to discussions and new developments that address the protection of the earth, and open to new technologies and actions that we can potentially implement. We want to consider the topic of "sustainability" as an ongoing issue, whose "solution" is not fixed but flows, and always keep it in the back of our minds. Furthermore, we want to avoid sustainability becoming a "buzzword" that "looks good" for our image. We are aware of our responsibility. We bear this responsibility for our company and its activities, and also for our employees, our society and future generations.

We have found some good approaches here. However, this should not "reassure" us, and we do not want to rest on our laurels, but see it as motivation to do more.

In the spirit of the conversation above, please feel free to share any ideas you have for our sustainability. We know we are not done yet but it is a good start to open the conversation, and we believe that every step and every little thing counts.

We are a company. We pursue economic interests. We are not experts in climate/environmental protection and do not claim to have all the solutions. But we do want to do more. We aim to align our economic interests with our ecological interests. Therefore, it is our goal to weigh and examine every decision we make in the future on the basis of ecological and sustainable aspects.

We are open to discussions and new developments that address the protection of the earth, and open to new technologies and actions that we can potentially implement. We want to consider the topic of "sustainability" as an ongoing issue, whose "solution" is not fixed but flows, and always keep it in the back of our minds. Furthermore, we want to avoid sustainability becoming a "buzzword" that "looks good" for our image. We are aware of our responsibility. We bear this responsibility for our company and its activities, and also for our employees, our society and future generations.

We have found some good approaches here. However, this should not "reassure" us, and we do not want to rest on our laurels, but see it as motivation to do more.

In the spirit of the conversation above, please feel free to share any ideas you have for our sustainability. We know we are not done yet but it is a good start to open the conversation, and we believe that every step and every little thing counts.