Is working while standing really good for your health?

Particularly in the working environment, where we often spend a large part of our day, the design of a health-promoting environment is becoming increasingly relevant. It is often said that working standing up is healthier than working sitting down. But is this really true? There are many advantages to working standing up.

 Employers and employees alike are striving to minimize absenteeism and increase productivity. One way to achieve these goals could be to implement ergonomic workplace solutions, e.g. in the office or in logistics. The ability to work standing up plays a key role here. Too much sitting is not good, and neither is too much standing - especially when there is additional physical strain, such as when packing goods.

To give you an idea of whether working standing up is really a good idea, Rocholz would like to provide you with an overview of this topic. We will show you whether working standing up delivers what it promises and what to look out for.

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Expert tip: 

The implementation of ergonomic solutions requires an all-round view of the workplace: this includes not only the possibility of working standing up, but also suitable lighting, a pleasant room temperature, the avoidance of noise (if controllable) and a disturbance-free working environment.


Myths and truths about working standing up 

In the world of office ergonomics and healthy work design, there are many theories and opinions - especially in connection with working while sitting or standing. It is often said that “sitting is the new smoking”. In fact, there are some widespread myths that need to be dispelled before we can start looking at the actual advantages and disadvantages of this form of work. 

There is also one thing we must not lose sight of: Not everyone works in an office. Standing work is commonplace in the logistics sector, for example. Depending on the workplace, the question arises: is it even possible to sit? This is where efficient ergonomic solutions are needed to ensure that employees' health is not put at risk. 

One of the best-known myths is the assumption that standing is the “new sitting”. This saying is often used to emphasize the importance of standing compared to sitting. However, science has found that this is not entirely true. While prolonged sitting can undoubtedly cause health problems, it is not ideal to replace one extreme (sitting all the time) with the other (standing all the time). The real truth lies in the balance between the two.

A very popular myth is also that working while standing automatically leads to higher calorie consumption and therefore helps with weight loss. While standing actually burns more calories than sitting, the difference is so small that it alone would probably not lead to significant weight loss. It is important to understand that the standing part of working should be associated with a more active lifestyle that includes regular exercise, physical activity and a balanced diet. 

A third common myth is the idea that working in a standing position relieves back pain and tension in the neck. While this may be true, standing per se is not the only solution. A healthy mix of sitting, standing and moving, coupled with good posture and regular breaks, is the key to less back pain. Attention should also be paid to ergonomics at the workplace and a hard floor. 

Remember: working in a standing position is not about extremes, but about balance. It is not the panacea for all health problems, but it can be part of a comprehensive strategy to improve health and wellbeing in the workplace.


Health benefits of working standing up

Despite these myths, it doesn't necessarily mean that there aren't health benefits to working while standing, as it's more than just a fad. It is a strategy that is based on sound research and has been proven to be effective in improving employee health while increasing productivity in the workplace. Below are some of the key health benefits of working while standing:

Improving posture: 

Working in a standing position encourages a natural posture and can help minimize postural problems. Standing workstations promote an upright posture, which helps to reduce neck and back pain. However, it is important to maintain correct posture and take regular breaks (sitting/moving).

Strengthening the muscles:

When done correctly, standing activates the muscles of the entire human body, especially the muscles of the trunk. When sitting, these muscles tend to relax, which can lead to weakness and muscular imbalances in the long term. Standing for several hours a day prevents or can slow down muscle loss.

Promote blood circulation:

In contrast to sitting, standing promotes better blood circulation throughout the body. This can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and improve overall health. 

Increase productivity and concentration: 

There is evidence that working while standing can improve cognitive performance and productivity. By improving blood flow and oxygenation to the brain, standing can help to increase alertness and thinking ability. 

Keep in mind that standing alone is not enough to achieve these benefits. It's important to maintain proper posture, take regular breaks and alternate between sitting and standing when needed. Even a few steps never hurt anyone.

Remember: Working while standing promotes a number of health benefits, including improved posture, stronger muscles, better circulation and increased productivity and concentration.


Potential disadvantages and risks of working standing up 

Although there are a number of health benefits to working in a standing position, it is important to also consider the potential disadvantages and risks. As with any working method, there are aspects to consider to ensure you maximize the benefits and minimize the risks:

Increased risk of venous disease: 

Standing increases the pressure in the blood vessels of the legs, which can lead to varicose veins and other vein problems. People who already have such conditions should consult a doctor before switching to standing work. 

Strain on the joints and spine: Standing for long periods at a time can put a lot of strain on the joints in the legs and feet as well as the spine. This can lead to pain and discomfort, especially if you do not adopt the correct posture or wear unsuitable shoes. A soft surface can also be problematic for employees, as they often shift their weight uncontrollably on it. Ergonomic support such as the ErgoPlus 3000 standing aid from Rocholz can significantly reduce the strain on the joints and spine.

Fatigue and loss of concentration: 

Working while standing is not necessarily beneficial for productivity and concentration. Some people may experience symptoms of fatigue after a certain period of standing, which can even impair their productivity and ability to concentrate! It is particularly important for those affected to take regular breaks and alternate between sitting and standing as required. 

Expert tip: 

It is crucial to listen to your body's signals and adjust the way you work accordingly. If you experience pain or discomfort, you should consult a doctor and possibly change your working environment or working habits. Even as a preventative measure, ergonomic work mats from Rocholz can prove extremely helpful. They can reduce leg and foot fatigue, stimulate blood circulation and protect joints. Ergonomic workstation mats are particularly useful for insulating cold concrete floors.

Remember: Although working in a standing position has many advantages, it is important to consider the potential disadvantages and risks. However, these can be minimized by taking appropriate measures.


The optimum ratio between standing and sitting 

Taking into account the health advantages and disadvantages of working in a standing position, an optimal balance between standing and sitting is crucial. As already mentioned, it is important to find a balance between sitting, standing and movement. 

Expert tip: 

A frequently used rule is the so-called 20-8-2 principle. This means that the person should sit for 20 minutes, then stand for 8 minutes and finally move for 2 minutes. They repeat this principle every 30 minutes. This method can be very beneficial to health, especially for office work. However, workplaces in logistics require a different solution, as sitting is not feasible due to the work requirements. 

It is also important to emphasize that the ideal balance depends on individual factors such as age, health status and personal preferences. A rigid rule therefore does not fit everyone, and it is crucial that each person has the opportunity to customize their work experience. 

This is where the benefits of our products come into play. With ergonomic solutions, Rocholz offers the opportunity to design an optimal workplace that both promotes health and increases productivity. Our core solutions for logistics workstations and office applications include height-adjustable desk frames. They make it easy to switch between standing and sitting during the working day. 

Rocholz desk frames are characterized by their robustness, durability and user-friendliness. They can be effortlessly adjusted to the desired height with a simple operation. This means that every user can individually set their optimum position for working in a standing or sitting position and change flexibly as required.

In addition, Rocholz attaches particular importance to an aesthetic, appealing design. The desk frames are available in various designs and colors to blend harmoniously into any office environment and create an appealing and inspiring workplace. But what can you do if it is not possible to switch regularly between working standing up or sitting down?

Do you have questions about height-adjustable desks or another solution for ergonomic working while standing? 

Then contact our experts now!


What to do if the optimum ratio between standing and sitting is not possible? 

There are many professions for which working standing up for long periods of time is a prerequisite. Let's take a look at logistics: how can someone who is responsible for manual order picking or preparing goods for dispatch work continuously while sitting? Sitting is often only possible here if the work is interrupted. 

As the lunch break, for example, is usually preceded by several hours of work, waiting for it is not an option from a health perspective. However, even multiple and short interruptions to work often do not have the desired effect and also have a negative impact on the employee's efficiency. So what can be done? 

It is important that the workplace is ergonomically designed from the ground up in order to reduce the health risks associated with working in a standing position. Rocholz therefore offers a range of solutions for logistics workstations that focus on an ergonomic structure and individual design for users and work processes. Our range also includes a number of assistance systems that make everyday work easier and promote ergonomics at the workplace.

Rocholz uses the innovative ComputerMyoGraphy method to determine the optimum ratio between standing and sitting on an individual basis. This involves analyzing musculoskeletal strain in order to design workstations in an optimal and health-promoting way. This method provides a data-based foundation for the design of ergonomic workstations and thus promotes the health and productivity of employees.

Movement analysis with ComputerMyoGraphy from Predimo

Our packing table configurator offers you a comprehensive opportunity to create your own logistics workstation. Optimally adapt packing tables for logistics to work processes and other requirements so that you can offer your employees an ergonomic solution.

Do you have questions about logistics workstations or another solution for ergonomic working while standing? 

Then contact our experts now!

Author: Elisa Ermer
Stellvertretende Vertriebsleiterin
Expertin für den Bereich Logistik-Arbeitsplätze und Tischgestelle
Spezialisiert auf Ergonomie am Arbeitsplatz und Assistenzsysteme