Adjusting the workstation ergonomically: How to do it right!

In the fast-paced logistics and packaging industry, the key to success lies in the details - and nothing is as fundamental as the employees' working environment. Too often, the importance of setting up a workstation ergonomically is overlooked. But what exactly does ergonomic working actually mean? 

Ergonomics - derived from the Greek “ergon” (work) and “nomos” (law) - is the science of adapting workplaces to the people who use them. It is a decisive factor in ensuring the long-term health, well-being and productivity of employees. 

But how can you adjust your employees' workstations ergonomically? What options do you have to provide your employees with the right tools so that they can adjust their workstation ergonomically themselves? We will show you what you need to look out for as an employer so that your team of employees can benefit from a better ergonomic workplace design!

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The concept of ergonomics

Ergonomics is much more than just a comfortable chair position or the right desk height. It is an interdisciplinary science that aims to design working conditions and environments in such a way that they meet people's physical and mental requirements. The focus is on creating a harmonious interaction between people and their working environment.

The concept of ergonomics is based on three principles:

  • Adapting work to people
  • Holistic view of the human being
  • Consideration of individual differences

A workplace can only be ergonomically designed through the ideal interplay of all three principles. For this reason, we would like to take a closer look at the concept of ergonomics with you.

1. adapting the work to the person

The first principle, adapting work to people, focuses on the design of work, work equipment and the working environment based on human capabilities and limitations. This includes the reduction of physical strain through ergonomically designed workstations and tools.

2. holistic view of the human being

The second principle, the holistic view of people, includes both physical and psychological aspects. By designing tasks and working environments in such a way that they correspond to people's cognitive abilities, well-being and motivation, performance and satisfaction can be increased.

3. consideration of individual differences

The third principle, the consideration of individual differences, recognizes that every person is unique. In order for a workstation to be ergonomically adjusted, it must be tailored to individual body size, strength, abilities and preferences to ensure optimal comfort and performance.


Ergonomics is the key to healthy, productive working environments and involves adapting the work, work equipment and working environment to the individual.

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Ergonomics in logistics and packaging processes

In the logistics and packaging industry, the application of ergonomic principles is of the utmost importance. From picking to packing and shipping, there are repetitive motion sequences that can lead to musculoskeletal problems without suitable ergonomic adjustments.

At the same time, productivity and efficiency are crucial: parcels must be processed quickly and without errors. An ergonomically designed working environment helps to improve both employee health and operational efficiency.

The challenges of being able to set up a workstation ergonomically are very diverse when it comes to logistics. They range from the avoidance of forced postures and movements to the reduction of lifting and carrying loads and the design of work processes that require a high level of concentration.

Poor ergonomic conditions are not only reflected in the health of your employees. Typical symptoms of neglecting ergonomics in the workplace can be an increased error rate, lower productivity or an increasing number of sick days.

But how is a workplace ergonomically adjusted? Various factors play a role here:

  • Adjusting the working height: Packing tables and other work surfaces should be adjusted to the individual height of the employees to avoid forced postures.
  • Provision of ergonomic work equipment: This includes, for example, cutting tools with good handles that require little effort and reduce the risk of hand-arm vibrations.
  • Good lighting: To avoid eye strain, appropriate lighting is important if you want to set up a workstation ergonomically. It should be efficient but glare-free.
  • Design of work processes: The organization of the workplace should be designed in such a way that unnecessary movements and paths are avoided.
  • Breaks:Regular breaks help to relieve muscle tension and increase the ability to concentrate.

Expert tip:

Invest in height-adjustable and modular packing tables such as the SYSTEM FLEX or SYSTEM 2000. Products like these make it possible to individually adjust the working height and can be used in a sitting or standing position as required. Thanks to the modular design, work equipment can be positioned individually for each employee so that the workstation can be optimally adjusted ergonomically. Extensions should also be barrier-free. Almost all Rocholz accessories can be optimally set up without tools and in just a few simple steps. For example, they can be easily adjusted for left- and right-handed users.

With the support of our packing table configurator, you can easily develop your own solutions for how your employees can set up the workstation ergonomically. A wide range of customization options allows you to create a unique piece that offers the optimum solution for every employee and every work step.


An ergonomically designed workstation in logistics can help to prevent musculoskeletal complaints, increase productivity and improve the quality of work.

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Analysis of the current workplace

Before you take steps to adjust your workplace ergonomically, it is important to understand the current situation. The analysis of the existing workplace should include the physical environment as well as the processes and workflows.

The following aspects should be taken into account when analyzing the current situation at the respective workplace:

  • Workstation design: is the workstation designed in such a way that it supports the employee and does not strain them? Check the height and alignment of packing tables, chairs and other work equipment.
  • Work equipment: Are the tools and equipment used by your employees ergonomically designed? Check whether the inventory can be adapted to the individual needs and body sizes of your employees.
  • Work processes: Are work processes designed so that they can be carried out efficiently and without unnecessary physical strain? Pay attention to whether movement sequences are repetitive and whether they involve unnecessary physical strain.
  • Working environment: The environment is also important in order to be able to adjust a workplace ergonomically. Are there other aspects of the working environment that could lead to strain? This could be poor lighting or a high noise level, for example.
  • Complaints and cases of illness: Are you receiving more complaints or are there an increasing number of cases of illness that could indicate ergonomic deficiencies? These include, for example, back problems or tendonitis.


Analyzing the current workplace is an important first step towards improvement in order to be able to adjust a workplace ergonomically. The focus on ergonomic conditions should include all aspects of the working environment, work equipment and work processes.

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Designing work steps ergonomically

In practice, it is often the seemingly small changes that can make a big difference. At Rocholz, we attach great importance to ensuring that our customers can use our packing table systems to design work steps and processes in such a way that they are ergonomic and support every employee.

To enable you to set up a workstation ergonomically, our packing table systems are designed to take account of people's natural movements. They ensure that all required materials and tools are within easy reach to avoid unnecessary stretching and bending.

Our digital assistance systems can also help to massively reduce the physical and mental strain on employees. They standardize and optimize work processes, for example by providing information directly at the workstation via screens or assisting employees with complex tasks.

Expert tip:

When setting up a workstation ergonomically, make sure that frequently used tools and materials are placed within easy reach to minimize stretching and bending.


The ergonomic design of work steps and processes can help to reduce physical strain on employees and increase efficiency.

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Guide: Setting up and implementing an ergonomic workplace

The implementation of an ergonomic workplace requires careful planning and consideration of the specific needs of employees. At Rocholz, we support you with our know-how and many years of experience. Here are some points to consider when planning if you want to set up an ergonomic workstation:

  1. Identify needs: Before you make any changes, determine the needs of your employees. Observe work processes, hold discussions and, if necessary, take ergonomic measurements.
  2. Select suitable work equipment: Choose ergonomically designed work equipment that can be adapted to the individual needs of your employees. Pay attention to quality and durability.
  3. Designing work processes: Think about how you can design work processes in such a way that unnecessary movements and strain are avoided. Make use of modern technologies such as digital assistance systems.
  4. Employee training: Adjusting a workstation ergonomically alone is not enough. Employees should be trained in how to use ergonomic work equipment correctly and what they themselves can do to protect their health.
  5. Regular checks and adjustments: An ergonomic workplace is never a finished project. Check regularly whether the measures are effective and adjust them if necessary.

Expert tip:

When planning and implementing ergonomic workstations, the needs and feedback of employees are of central importance.

Planning and implementing an ergonomic workplace is an ongoing process that should take into account the individual needs of employees. Rocholz supports you with comprehensive expertise.

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We are happy to help you

An “ergonomic workplace” is by no means just a buzzword or a nice extra on top of an annual salary. It is an essential practice to ensure the health and well-being of your employees and to increase the productivity and efficiency of your company. Ergonomic processes and workplace design help make workflows more efficient and less error-prone.

Rocholz is your partner on this journey. With over 100 years of experience, we offer ergonomic packing table systems, cutting systems and digital assistance systems and accessories to help you optimize your material flow and work processes.

Our aim is to contribute to a healthy, efficient and happy working environment with our solutions and expertise. Contact us - we look forward to supporting you on your path to greater ergonomics.

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Author: Elisa Ermer
Stellvertretende Vertriebsleiterin
Expertin für den Bereich Logistik-Arbeitsplätze und Tischgestelle
Spezialisiert auf Ergonomie am Arbeitsplatz und Assistenzsysteme