Shaping work for people with disabilities

Efficient solutions and inclusion initiatives

The participation of people with disabilities in working life is a fundamental human right. It is of great importance for their quality of life.

Regular work for people with disabilities provides structure and orientation. It promotes personal development and strengthens self-confidence.

In addition, work for people with disabilities contributes to social integration and general well-being. Companies also benefit from diverse teams and greater innovative strength.

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Legal basis and inclusion initiatives

Legal regulations and funding opportunities (e.g. from the Federal Employment Agency) are essential for the integration of people with disabilities. The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities makes it clear that the inclusion of people with disabilities in all areas of life is a human right.

There are numerous programmes and financial support that make the recruitment, employment and work of people with disabilities more attractive for companies. Examples include financial support from the integration offices, wage subsidies and assistance in equipping workplaces for people with disabilities.

These measures support companies in employing people with disabilities and offering them an optimal working environment.

Joint initiative to strengthen inclusion

One example of a successful inclusion initiative is the "Joint Initiative to Strengthen Inclusion in the Labour Market of North Rhine-Westphalia". This was launched by various partners, including the state government, employer representatives and the Federal Employment Agency.

The aim is to bring people with disabilities and job vacancies together more effectively. The potential of people with disabilities is to be better utilised through joint efforts and targeted measures.

Barrier-free workplace design and ergonomic solutions from Rocholz

Physical and digital accessibility

An accessible workplace is essential for people with disabilities to work efficiently and healthily. Physical barriers can be removed by making appropriate adjustments to the infrastructure and special furniture.

This includes ramps, barrier-free access and height-adjustable tables. Digital accessibility is achieved by adapting software and digital tools.

Ergonomic solutions from Rocholz

Rocholz offers a range of ergonomic and barrier-free workplace solutions that are specially tailored to the needs of people with disabilities. This also includes our assistance systems:

  • SimpleAssist The SimpleAssist makes everyday work easier with visual instructions. It consists of a projector and two buttons. A projector displays the work steps directly on the work surface, helping to avoid errors.
  • AssisTable The AssisTable is a digital work catalogue that supports picking and packing processes. Depending on the supplier, recipient country and specific item properties, the system shows how items should be packed and processed. This makes work easier and ensures greater efficiency.
  • InspecTable InspecTable enables visual quality control using machine learning. The system can recognise deviations and errors at an early stage, thus ensuring the high quality of the goods produced. It is flexible and can be easily adapted to different applications for the work of people with disabilities.
  • DocumenTable With DocumenTable, photos can be taken directly at the logistics table for documentation purposes. The images are automatically labelled with the delivery note number and a time stamp, which facilitates traceability and contributes to quality assurance in work for people with a disability.

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Best practices and challenges

However, the integration of people with disabilities into the labour market also poses challenges. Frequent prejudices and mental barriers are just as much obstacles as practical difficulties in realising work for people with disabilities.

Companies must be prepared to invest in training and raising awareness among their employees. Collaboration with experts and organisations is also very important to ensure the best possible support.

Solutions and tips

Training and awareness-raising measures can help to overcome the aforementioned challenges in working for people with disabilities. These training programmes should focus on promoting understanding and acceptance of the needs of people with disabilities.

It is also important to create barrier-free workplaces and make the necessary adjustments. Cooperation with integration offices and specialists can provide valuable support when working with people with disabilities.

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Various forms of work and facilities

Workshop for people with disabilities (WfbM)

Workshops for people with disabilities (WfbM) offer a protected working environment in which people with disabilities can take on a variety of tasks. These workshops specialise in offering jobs that are tailored to the abilities and needs of the employees.

Support centres

Support centres are aimed at people with severe mental or multiple disabilities who are unable to work in a sheltered workshop. These facilities offer structured day care and promote personal development and participation in social life.

Working in the primary labour market

For many people with disabilities, a job in the primary labour market is the goal. With the right support and adjustments, people with disabilities can work successfully in regular companies.

Integration guides and special training programmes prepare those affected for this challenge.

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Author: Ralph Roth
Geschäftsführer, Vertriebs- und Marketingleiter
Experte für den Bereich Logistik-Arbeitsplätze, Tischgestelle und Geschenkpapierabroller
Spezialisiert  auf Prozessoptimierung und Digitalisierung am Arbeitsplatz